Steps Current and Prospective College Athletes Can Take to Get the Most out of NIL

Written by Kassandra Ramsey, Esq.

· NCAA,NIL,Name Image Likeness,College basketball,College Football

The day that college athletes may begin profiting from the commerical use of their name, image, and likeness (NIL) is rapidly approaching. Beginning on July 1, 2021, college atheltes in Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, New Mexico,  Alabama, Kentucky, and Texas will be able to profit from the commericial use of their NIL. Several other states have NIL laws with later effective dates. For example, South Carolina's law becomes effective in 2022 and Maryland's NIL law becomes effctive in 2023. As such, it is time for current and prospective college athletes to prepare for their impending NIL opportunites.  

There are a number of ways for current and prospectice college athletes to prepare for the new NIL rules. Here are two things that current and prospectve college athletes can do right now to prepare. 

1. Actively Engage on Social Media

One of the biggest sources of opporunty for college athletes will be avaiable via social media. With the new NIL rules, college atheltes are sure to be the next wave of social media influencers. As such, current and prospective college athletes should actively and intentionally build and engage with their following on social media. While college athletes wil gain alot of recongintion for their athletic abilities, they should not limit their social media activity to postings about their sport. Current and prospective college athletes should show all factes of their personality.  

Perhaps a college athlete enjoys doing makeup tutorials and created a YouTube channel to showcase her work. That college athletes should show their interest in doing makeup and share it with their followers.  With the new NIL rules, this college athletes could monetize their make-up tutorial YouTube channel and maybe even garner endoresment deals as a social media influencer. Perhaps a college athlete is a finance major and wishes to start a podcast giving financial tips. With the new NIL rule, the athlete could find opporitunites to monetize the podcast.

Current and prospective college athlete should not be deterred by the naysayers who argue that the proposed changes to college athlete NIL rules will only benefit athletes attending big name schools and make the starting lineup for big name programs.  Current and prospective college athletes shoudl focus on finding their voice, building their social media following, and engage with that following.

2. Research Colleges With Name, Image, and Likeness Programs

Several colleges and universities have begun preparing NIL by changes by creating programs designed assist college athletes with navigating the impending NIL landscape. Current college athletes should look to see if there school has created a NIL program. If the school has created the program, the athlete should see when and how they can take advantage of the program.  If the school has not created a NIL program, perhaps the athlete should suggest that the school create a NIL program.  Prospective college athletes should begin researching schools with NIL programs and see which program they beleive will best fit their needs as a student and as a college athlete.  Here is list of the some of the schools with NIL programs and some details about the programs. 

For more information on how to prepare for NIL opportunities download my free e-book " A College Athlete's Guide to Preparing for Name, Image, and Likeness." Also, for more on college athletes' name, image, and likeness rights follow me on Twitter @esquire_coach and on Instagram @the_esquirecoach. To receive updates from The Esquire Coach Blog directly to your email please subscribe below.